March 08, 2021
Art by my buddy Loor Nicolas
You may already know which location information are we sharing with websites when we interact with them, such our IP Address. So, wouldn’t it be great if we could hide it or even change it?
Why? here’s a handful of use cases:
So how can we change our public IP address?
With a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Basically, you’ll be doing requests to the VPN’s server and that server will do the actual request for you, hiding your IP address to the final server.
There are several VPN providers out there, it’s a growing market. I’m going to explain how to use the one that has been more useful for me: Windscribe.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key FDC247B7
:echo 'deb bionic main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/windscribe-repo.list
:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install windscribe-cli
windscribe login
windscribe connect
# Connecting to US East New York Empire (UDP:443)
# Firewall Enabled
# Connected to US East New York Empire
# Your IP changed from to
Now we are set! We are using the VPN and our IP has changed. To disconnect just type windscribe disconnect
windscribe locations
windscribe connect "No Vampires"
Written by Jon Portella.